In our ongoing effort to make the site plump with content and solid, honest information, we’ve implemented user reviews. Customers can hop onto the site, find their favorite product, and write up their likes, dislikes, etc. It’s always nice to have verification on the awesomeness of a barcode scanner or receipt printer, especially if it’s from someone who isn’t drawing a paycheck from the site.

We’ll be adding them slowly, but if you want to check out a couple, the Honeywell 3800g barcode scanner. Two whole reviews! And they both backup the claim that it’s probably the best 1D handheld barcode scanner on the Earth. That’s a big dorky claim, and I’m sticking with it.

One of my buddies sent me this link last night with a better view of the bridge from the new Star Trek Movie. Pretty sure there are ten barcode scanners on the bridge, including the Honeywell VoyagerBT, Honeywell Orbit, and Symbol M2000 Cyclone.

Anyway, check out the link, it’s fun times: